Cathy Upshire
Wholeness Strategist,
Emotional Wellness Coach

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My Montra
Read Back Cover - Woman Find Thyself
My journey didn't begin with a hunger to be healed thought I needed it. I yearned to be whole. And I knew if I stood any chance of becoming whole, I had to find me; that part of me who got lost on some strange stretch of road; who I hadn't seen since, who I'd written off as a missing person stored in a cold case file in a dark alcove of my heart. But I realized somewhere along the way if I could just find her--me, the real me, my wounds would be healed and once again I'd be whole. Because the woman I'd lost on that stretch of road was already whole. She knew nothing of fear and anxiety, low self-esteem and low self-worth. And victim? No way--not to a woman or a man, because she would never have assumed such a powerless role. She was Authentic; she was Gusty; she was Powerful, she was a FORCE. And I knew if I could just find her and allow myself to become enmeshed in her again, she'd be my saving grace. And that's where my journey began. I didn't know where my journey was going to take me or how treacherous the terrain, but I geared up. Was I going to be able to find her? Honestly, I didn't know. But like Tom Hanks in "Saving Private Ryan" I was going to die trying.
About Me
Hi! My name is Cathy Upshire. I’m a Wholeness Strategist, Author, Speaker and Emotional Wellness Coach. I help women who have lost their sense of identity and power to not only reclaim it—so that they can live their lives with dignity and resolve—but I also help them break free from the clenching jaws of their past. I do this by taking them on their own personal journeys to wholeness, healing, authenticity, self-acceptance and self-love. Using my online course, “Excavating to Recover Your Authentic Self”, I help women Locate, Excavate, Exhume and Resurrect the dead remains of their true identities and I support them in bringing that woman back to life.
You should know…I am not a doctor or a therapist. I liken myself to a beautiful butterfly. The colors and intricate patterns of my wings represent all of the life experiences I've had and the many lessons I’ve learned along the way. I spread my wings proudly (void of shame); I spread them wide, because they legitimize me, they authenticate me, they are God’s signature and seal that I am a transformed being; ready and suitable for the task at hand. I’m also certified as a Crisis Advocate for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.
I am the author of two books, Woman Find Thyself and Evolution of a Woman, and the creator of First Lady's Heart online magazine (no longer in publication). I'm the mother of three adult children, and a grandmother to one. My middle son "Quincy" passed away in 2018 (he was 33 years old), but he continues to live on in my heart. I currently reside in Chicago, IL
Reclaiming Your Authentic Power
Why Hurt People...Hurt People

Loving the Woman Within